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Tax Credit Review.  See if you qualify for $15,000 or more!  Many people do not realize they may qualify for federal and provincial tax credits.

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Set a no obligation, complimentary portfolio analysis and financial review with Joanne David BA CFP FCSI.

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We can help you achieve the life you perceive.

Set a no obligation financial planning and portfolio analysis with Joanne David CFP FCSI. Review your bottom line today.

Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.     Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.

Joanne David CFP FCSI Financial Planning and Insurance Strategies When a spouse dies Joanne David CFP FCSI Financial Planning and Insurance Strategies
A successful financial plan starts with a family budget of income & spending

Set a no obligation family financial budgeting analysis with Joanne David CFP FCSI. Review your bottom line today.

Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.     Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.

Joanne David CFP FCSI Financial Planning and Insurance Strategies When a spouse dies
We are are here for you when you experience a loss of a loved one.
Joanne David CFP FCSI Financial Planning and Insurance Strategies When a spouse dies

Set a no obligation will and estate planning analysis with Joanne David CFP FCSI. Review your bottom line today.

Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.     Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.

Joanne David CFP FCSI Financial Planning and Insurance Strategies When a spouse dies Joanne David CFP FCSI Financial Planning and Insurance Strategies When a spouse dies
Financial Gardening
Estate Planning may be the most important thing you ever do.
Joanne David CFP FCSI Estate Planning Strategies

Set a no obligation will and estate planning analysis with Joanne David CFP FCSI. Review your bottom line today.

Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.     Joanne David CFP FCSI financial planning and insurance solutions.

Joanne David CFP FCSI Estate Planning Strategies Joanne David CFP FCSI Estate Planning Strategies

Take this Personal Finance Budget Checkup Quiz

joanne david personal financial and budget quiz checkup

Creating a budget is quite easy. You can check out my recommended mobile budget applications if you are technical savey. Or if you prefer the pen to paper routine as I do, or simply can’t get motivated to review your expenses and create a budget, please check out my budget tips including an excel template for your use.

But if you are just not sure, check out my Personal Finance Budget Checkup Quiz. It’s fun and a good financial budget checkup considerations regardless.

The Personal Finance Budget Checkup Quiz

Answer each question below to determine how well you are currently budgeting and managing your personal credit and finances. Mark a score to each question.

Frequently: 2 points ~ Often: 1 point ~ Never: 0 points

Personal Finance Budget Checkup: The Questions

1. Have you set up an emergency account, to cover unforeseen emergencies (such as 3-6 months income)?

2. Do you have enough funds at the end of each month to pay all of your household expenses?

3. Do you pay your monthly bills on time each month?

4. Do you have a written financial plan including timeline for long-term financial goals?

5. Do you have a written financial budget that includes all family income and expenses?

6. Do you have organized records of all your financial affairs (income tax records, expenses and income items, financial statements, estate planning documents)?

7. Do you know what your personal balance sheet is (and how much you are worth)?

8. Do you save using automatic payments for long-term financial goals (major purchases, children’s education, retirement planning)?

9. Do you know your personal tax implications (marginal taxation rate on income and retirement savings, current and retirement income taxation, and estate taxation)?

10. When you receive a new job or income promotion, do you regularily increase your long-term savings?

11. Do you hold multiple investment accounts for varying purposes (in addition to what your employer may offer)?

12. Are your investments well diversified, and do you understand your risk tolerances and time horizons for each account that you hold?

13. Do you teach your children about the time value of money and how best to manage a budget?

14. Do you live a healthy and minimalist lifestyle (not buying what you don’t need, and buying what is healthy)?

15. Do you know your life purpose, and is this part of your written financial plan (what is your life legacy)?

Personal Finance Budget Checkup: Check your Score!

Add up all your scores and see our assessment below.

25 – 30: You have achieved excellence in the area of personal finance. You are likely financially resilient and very good at tracking expenses and with personal money management, as well as setting long-term goals.

19 – 24: You are on your way to excellence. You can improve on many personal financial planning tasks. Start with a reorganization of your personal finance affairs, then move from there on financial areas that you can improve upon.

12 – 18: You have some weaknesses that you need to work on, but I know that you have the capacity to build upon foundations and overcome any challenges. You are in a position that could easily lead you to financial disaster. On the other hand, if you pull up your socks you can turn this into financial success and resilience.

0 – 11: A financial fail! You are heading for disaster towards the unknown. Please take action urgently!

How did you do?

I love providing constructive critique on family budgets. Creating a foundation of good financial budgeting and long-term planning is what I do best. It all starts with a full financial review. Contact me for an investment and financial planning review.

Please contact Joanne David for an appointment to talk about your needs.   Book an Appointment Now.


The information contained in blog or article posts are derived from various sources, including the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Any data provided is for illustration purposes only. Any information relating to the discussion of taxation issues is considered to be only general in nature. Clients should seek a qualified tax professional to discuss their specific tax requirements. The opinions, estimates and projections contained in the publication are those of the Financial Advisor and not that of Keybase Financial Group. Keybase Financial Group Inc. makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in respect therein and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of or reliance on the reports or its contents. The provisions of this publication are not to be constructed as an offer to sell, or a solicitation for, or an offer to buy any securities. Keybase Financial Group Inc. is a member of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation (the ‘IPC’).’